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November 15th In-Person Worship Services

Group B attend one (1) of three (3) services in the church building.

Group A meet in their homegroups.

In-Building, Age-Inclusive Services: We want to try out in-person services for you to attend once a month following safe Covid protocols, if you are able and feel comfortable doing so. Because we can’t accommodate very many people at one time, we will run 3 services every other week for half of the congregation at a time (the other half will be meeting with homegroups). Also, we plan to focus on a form that will be engaging for all ages for these services. For the in-building service we’re working to design a short, 45-minute service that will hopefully be engaging and safe for all ages. (Think Godly Play meets Eastside Story Guild presentation--but in a simpler way.)

Check your emails for more information as the date approaches.