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 We turn our broken selves

our messy world

toward the Christ candle

waiting in anticipation

knowing in hope

that our Good King has come and will come again.


Janice Tolkamp, our Artist-in-Residence this year, has installed beautiful and evocative window art to help us enter into prayerful waiting this Advent season. On old, paint-chipped windows, Janice has created silhouettes of church members looking in anticipation toward the light of Christ.   Janice asked her subjects where they have glimpsed the Kingdom of God breaking in now and where they long to see God’s Kingdom come more fully.  The blue, window silhouettes are etched with white designs that represent these glimpses of the “already” even as we watch in hope for the “not yet” of Advent this year.

Her art invites us all to prayerfully hold these questions as we wait in anticipation for the many ways that the light of Christ will break into our lives and world in new and fresh ways as we prepare for Christmas.

What is one place you have glimpsed or sensed the goodness of God's kingdom already here? What is one way place you long to see God’s Kingdom come more fully on earth as it is in heaven?